S H I V V |
Monday, June 30, 2008
3:24 pm
YOU'RE SUCHA FUCKING BITCH. I SWEAR IF NOT FOR THE SAKE THAT YOU'RE OLDER THEN ME, MY FIST WOULD BE ON YOUR FUCKING FACE RIGHT NOW!!!! ![]() On the other hand, we had a walk at the park during our 2nd breakout. Wanted to settle down and pig on WangWang and Chipmores but to our horror all the tables were infested with ants! So we ended up walking 1 round of the park and back to class. The sun was killing I SWEAR but when we're back in class it's freezing. =.= But at least we found alot of nice places for the photoshoots. I cant wait to play with all the balloons, pinwheel and sunflower. Oh, and my little yellow umbrella. =D And and, I got stickers for 3 for $1 in school. The cheapest thing that I think is worth it to buy in school. I look ghostly on the picture above. Heavily Photoscaped. Off to present my ppt now. Ciao.
3:02 am
Time Check : 3:02 AM In another 3 hours and 15 mins I've to get ready for school and I'm still wide awake. Good going. Sure there'll be Monday blues. Fel, I need you badly now. (Not in a lesbo way) And I just realised it's been a long time since I'm truely happy from the bottom of my heart. Just what's wrong with me. I hate it when my emotions decides to go on a rollercoaster ride.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
2:38 pm
Hi all. This post is specially dedicated to Wendy Goh Wen Li. ![]() ![]() London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, Falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady. Take a key and lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up. Take a key and lock her up, My fair lady. How will we build it up, Build it up, Build it up, How will we build it up, My fair lady? Build it up with gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. Build it up with gold and silver, My fair lady. Gold and silver I have none, I have none, I have none. Gold and silver I have none, My fair lady. Build it up with pins and needles, pins and needles, pins and needles. Build it up with pins and needles, My fair lady. Pins and needles bend and break, Bend and break, Bend and break. Pins and needles bend and break, My fair lady. Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, Wood and clay. Build it up with wood and clay, My fair lady. Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, Wash away. Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady. Build it up with stone so strong, Stone so strong, Stone so strong. Build it up with stone so strong, My fair lady. Stone so strong will last so long, Last so long, Last so long. Stone so strong will last so long, My fair lady. ![]()
Saturday, June 28, 2008
11:56 am
![]() Hello you. Are you a happy mushroom sauce? Coz I'm a happy mushroom sauce. Okay lame. Me is power la. I was so so so tired last night that I slept at 9.30pm. YES! 9.30pm! And I woke up at 9.30am today. 12 hours of sleep. Shiok man! So with nothing to do at such an early time, I decided to get my ass down to doing the PPT for Tuesday's In Vogue meeting. Oh. Actually I just copy and paste what Zhi Jie send me. Hahaha. So all I did was just edit some stuffs and decorate. Hohoho. Damn it. MSN virus is back again. Siannnnn. I hate IT helpdesk. No wait. It's IT spoildesk. Gagagagaga. It's Saturday and I'm nua-ing at home. Heading out only in the evening to meet brother and Jane for dinner. Okie dokie. Lunch is here. Hungryyyy. Me go eat first. BYE! ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: you're damn evil. Shivv =D Ride On A Carousel says: evil...why? Shivv =D Ride On A Carousel says: i like angel like that you say i evil! ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: cause you areeeeeeeee ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: HAHA ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: angel dont say "fuck you" OR point middle finger. Shivv =D Ride On A Carousel says: how do you know...they just dont do it infront of god! ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: HAHA ::ZeeJay - Photographer In Training:: Anyone play "High Street 5"? says: wtfff We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: ehhh We can be two rebels breaking the rule: what happy mushroom We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: WTH LOL We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: Im gna blog too Shivv =D Ride On A Carousel says: the sauce dont look like mushroom meh? We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: (: We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: but whats with you and happy mushroom Shivv =D Ride On A Carousel says: coz the sauce look like a happy mushroom? We can be two rebels breaking the rule says: ha ha When I'm bored I spout nonsense. Do you? And are you a happy mushroom sauce? Hi, Wendy. So is this post long enough? Oh. Next shall be your London Bridge okay? Oh. And Fel, you're very much welcome for me buying waffles after you bought your fries. =DDD
Friday, June 27, 2008
9:09 am
![]() This time round it hurts real bad. Feel like I've been Beaten, Bashed, Bruised and Broken. I no longer know who's right and who's wrong and what I'm supposed to do next. I totally hate this feeling of not wanting to do anything but just lie there and rot to death. I hope all this shit will end soon as I'm really sick and tired of it. It's no longer tears that I'm sheding but instead blood is dripping.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
1:36 pm
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
4:16 pm
![]() HAP HAP HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON LEE YONG LONG!!!! You're 18 now so act your age please or no more XIA(2) for you. GAGAGAAGAGA. It's amazing how this doodle here always reads me like a book. It seems that he is always able to read my mind. They say DIAMONDS are a girl's best friend, I say AARON is the girl's best friend. WOW! Class ended friggin early today. Not even 4pm and we were dismissed. So Fel and I faster chiong down to TRCC's cafe to get seats. LOL. Damn kia su. Loads of ppl didnt come to school today. It felt like the last day of school.
![]() It's raining and it's friggin cold. ![]() Okay, I suddenly dont know what to blog. Cheesecake is definately calling out Fel's name now. Hahahaha.
Monday, June 16, 2008
11:05 am
![]() Create your own Friend Test here JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. TRY IF YOU CARE. =D
9:28 am
![]() Enterprise is boring. *yawn* My MSN is sending out virus again. Sian. Have to head down to Helpdesk with Fel again later. I hope they solve the god damn problem! OMG. I cant believe I have to survive the rest of my day without lappy. =( And Iris dear is not here so no online shopping. =(( And and I'm hungry. =(((
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
5:02 pm
Been've busy being a busy bee. Finally stayed home today to rest my overly tired legs. So on Monday I met up with Zhi Jie around 3plus in the afternoon. Down to Holland V. Looked for Jak to pass her back her stuffs and went up to Food Junction to chill while waiting for the grand arrival of Fel Loves. =D Ventured Holland V and Zhi Jie took hell lots of photos. We even went to the cemetery. =.= The coolest shop in Holland V. ![]() And I finally sastisfied my cravings for Cold Rocks ^.^ ![]() ![]() He wanted to take the sign but kept saying that I'm in the screen. =P ![]() ![]() Finger puppets are loved <3 I bet he must have said something lame. Tuesday, which was ytd, we went to Mustafa. Was supposed to meet at Farrer Park at 12 noon but at 12 noon someone was still at home, in Woodlands. How nice right. Thank god he have sucha a nice friend like me with the patience to wait for him for an hour plus. After Mustafawe ventured the area around there and we didnt know where we were going until I see Sim Lim Square den decided to walk towards that direction and down to Bugis. Stopped by the flea market for some phototaking and there are alot of coolio stuffs la. After we're done with Bugis we walked all the way down to Plaza Sing. Daiso and Spotlight to get down to business but of course we ended up playing instead. Hahaha. Presenting you my "sister". HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding. GAGAGAGA. Walked over to Skatepark for phototaking and den we ended up walking aimlessly. Last stop was HMV before heading home. AND I IN LOVE WITH JASON MRAZ'S LATEST ALBUM!!! What a great day yesterday was. A WHOLE DAY OF WALKING!! Saved on transport cost and lots of exercise done. I must be mad to not even complain during the process. Hahaha. And as for today, a day of dvd-ing and went back to NTSS to get my testimonial. School's starting next week. LIKE FINALLY!!! I miss the mates so so so badly. =(
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
12:48 am
发现我们电话里常常沉默了 想看的电影也不在相同了 你的眼神虽然是温柔的 却想另一个人在面前那样陌生 如果我能穿着你最不喜欢的颜色 嘴里含着念你最不爱听的情歌 你能不能对我在冷漠一点呢 至少让我以为你不在爱我了 亲爱的为什么你还不敢承认呢 亲爱的我们都是脆弱的人 亲爱的听时间的话放开手 别感伤应该感动 我最亲爱的 如果我能穿着你最不喜欢的颜色 嘴里含着你最不爱听的情歌 你能不能对我在冷漠一点呢 至少让我以为你不在爱我了 亲爱的为什么你还不敢承认呢 亲爱的我们都是脆弱的人 亲爱的别牵着没感觉的手 真的不怪你 我太爱你 才说不出口 亲爱的我也不相信心会疲倦的 亲爱的我们别再骗自己了 亲爱的听时间的话放开手 别感伤应该感动 我们都记得相爱最诚实这一刻 对我说你不爱我 谁的泪都别留 如果能重来一次 请别再这样重爱我 我太辛苦就会忘了 爱终有慢慢变化时候 亲爱的为什么你还不敢承认呢 亲爱的我们都是脆弱的人 亲爱的别牵着没感觉的手 不怪你太爱你 才说不出口 亲爱的我也不相信心会疲倦的 亲爱的我们别再骗自己了 亲爱的听时间的话放开手别感伤应该感动 我最亲爱的...
Monday, June 09, 2008
1:20 pm
![]() ![]() ![]() Grande Headphones by BoostedNew Colors Available!
USD$70.00 Check your headphones! Rich, decadent oversized DJ headphones - the ultimate upgrade for your personal sound system. Designed by Boosted, Grande headphones are compatible with mp3 capable cell phones and all personal media devices. Wide dynamic range with rumbling bass and low distortion; slim profile answer/end call button and in-line microphone for use with mobile phones; comfortable ultra-soft ear padding, with swivel earcup and auto-return construction for single-ear monitoring; coiled cord for decreased bulk and minimal pull; pliable adjustable headband. Imported. Wipe clean.* Included: Headphones, 3.5mm adaptor, 1/8" adaptor, 1/4" adaptor* One size fits all* Plastic, soft touch vinyl, electronics Damn chio right!!! Omg!!!!
3:34 am
It's 3.35am now. I'm wide awake and starving. God dammit!
12:03 am
GOOD MORNING! Some one entertain me pretty please. Massive headache deprives me from sleep. Sugar high too. Disappointment too. I wish that a vaccum cleaner can suck away everything that's on my mind now and let me sleep in peace. I hate misunderstandings. I hate it when people just dont get no matter how hard you've tried to explain. I hate conflicts. I hate sad stories. I hate being reminded of one. I hate tears. I hate seeing people around me unhappy. I hate having to worry for others. I hate it when people thinks they know alot about me and blames it on me when I "misunderstand" things. I hate it when people dont believe me. I hate..I hate...I hate... The list can just go on and on. We might be pathetic souls but at least we have pride. We are who we are, no one can change us. We cant always get what we want. We have to work for it and that's where the satisfaction comes. I'm happy with the way I'm living now and I dont need people to judge me. Thank you.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
9:21 pm
What a long day I had. Started out at 10.25am where Golden Monkey's msg woke me up. Thank god he msged if not I wonder what time I'll be up. Quickly got ready (okay, I was slow) and got out of the hse. Was late coz I couldnt get a cab so I had to take a train. Down to Westmall to meet up with him and Fel. Nana was late. Very late. Discussed bout the upcoming IN VOGUE competition. And lunched at KOU FU. Nana suggested to go there but she didnt eat. How nice. Then Fel and Nana headed home while Golden Monkey and I went over to Holland V to look for helium tank. I LOVE THE BALLOONS IN PARTY WITH US!!!! SO PRETTYYYYYY!!! Went over to Wild Bunch but Jak was out so we went up to Food Junction to chill. Jak came shortly. After Jak and her friend headed back to work, we proceeded to IKEA. Had lots of fun there. If only Fel and Nana were there too, it'll definately be god damn fun but poor Golden Monkey had to carry my bag for me as it weighed like 10kg. And he got finger puppets. Damn cute can. Den was over to Anchorpoint and found our pin-wheel and sunflowers there. Damn chio la. Cheap too. Headed home after that. And as for tmr, most prob meeting up with Golden Monkey as he wanna go over to Holland V for some shooting, hopefully Fel can come too. =D Argh! My shoulders feels like they are falling apart. Grrr~ I've got my whole of next week planned out. One word. Tiring. But it's gonna be damn fun!! Cant wait! Mustafa on Tuesday! Like FINALLY!!! WHEEE~~~
Thursday, June 05, 2008
1:53 am
Omg. Though today was just a short short but I had FUN! New found friend, Zhi Jie aka Golden Monkey. He's part of the 吵死人group BUT he is nothing like them. Totally different!! Hahaha. Chatted with him awhile ago and it's damn hilarious la. It's like after every 5 to 10 mins he changes his nick. Funny sial. (CLICK FOR BIGGER VIEW) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I no longer have I any idea how to carry on. It's getting very tiring for the both of us. Even you said it yourself. So why no put it to an end?
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
10:55 am
Goody good morning lovely birdies. Third day of the fucking hols. Sort of all if you exclude the weekends. Gonna head back to school later on with Nana for In Vouge meeting. Didnt really wanna go back but since it's regrading the makeover event so have to go back. Was webcamming with Aaron and Liying last night. Omg! Aaron's room look like a girl's room la. Seriously. It's like purple in colour. Oh, wait that's his favourite colour anyway. Lol. Liying'g webcam is shit man. Only can see the outline only unless she holds a lamp close to her face. Lol. ![]() ![]() ![]() There is this drawing on his wall which somehow looks like a colourful sun to me. How gay. ![]() ![]() I LOVE HIS DOG, WAWA!! Damn cute can. His dog looks like a soft toy la. But too bad I'm afraid of dog. =(((( Okie dokie, stomach's growling now. Gonna go get lunch. Tata.
Monday, June 02, 2008
1:40 pm
FIRSTLY, CONGRATS TO ADELINE DEAREST FOR REALISING HER DREAM TO BECOME AN AIR STEWARDESS!!! GOODY GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR CAREER AND OF COURSE I'LL BE WAITING HERE IN SPORE FOR ALL THE GOODIES FROM JAPAN. HOHOHOHO! NO LA, PLS PLS PLS TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF. WILL MISS YOU LOADSSSS. LOVE LOVE YOU! NEXT, SCHOOL'S OUT!!!! Okay, I know I'm alittle slow in posting this but yeah, the hols are here. Gonna start ringing people up soon. Soon that is. I'm a little lazy but I still will. =D OoOoOoOoOoOo..I can't wait for Fel Loves to be back den we can head to Cold Rocks with Iris Sweets. I also can't wait to hang out with Adeline and Joycelyn Sweets and also wait for Liying Loves' hols to start den I can meet up with that doodle and also to meet up with Mel and Jak Lovelies. OoOoOoOo. And also to get my hair straighten and also for the BBQ on the 12 May. Damn! If not because bro is going, I doubt I'll be going to coz I dont really know the people there. Sigh. Omggg. So many things to do and I only have 2WEEKS!!!! OMGGGG. And I'm in piggy mode. *snorts* ![]() |