Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Time: 9:03 pm

Am gonna be rather busy for the next few weeks.

Please do not contact me unless neccessary. Dont wish to entertain nonsense.

Date: Monday, September 14, 2009
Time: 7:29 pm


So I am back from my trip. Though it have only been a week but it felt like it was a long trip.
The trip was awesome. I enjoyed very single part of it. And I met some pretty awesome people from the trip.
The trip was tiring though. There's a lot of walking every single day.

I do not have a lot of pictures with me as I was so damn lazy to whip out my camera and start snapping away so I stole all these from some one else. More to come in facebook when the others have uploaded. =D

I'd definitely wanna go back again, I've yet to shop enough.

ps. I miss Hong Kong and room 705 already. :(

Date: Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Time: 4:16 pm

So I'm in PorkLand now and is finally able to find a computer with internet excess and Mohammed Noor is like right next to me! And he says HI! to all the lonely Singapore Kiddos.

Everything's rather nice here and the weather ain't as hot as what we were told. So we're at the Hong Kong Museum Of Art now and IT IS FRIGGIN BORINGGGGG!

Like kill me now!

Alright got to go now.

Hope the Aussie Kids are having as much fun as we are having! And I hope they freeze to death! Muahahahahahahahahaha!
