Date: Saturday, October 31, 2009
Time: 9:16 pm

"And you want three wishes:

One to fly the heavens

One to swim like fishes

And then one you're saving for a rainy day

If your lover ever takes her love away"

Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time: 7:57 pm

Seriously, I have no idea what is going on in my life now. I don't even feel like attending classes anymore and I don't think that it is even beneficial to me. It's like I'm going to school just for the sake of it. And so much for wanting to have full attendance this semester, I've already skipped lesson twice coz I just couldn't take it! And I certainly do not appreciate to be shouted at early in the fucking morning.

And fuck, I have no idea why but at the end of every day I just feel so drained and stressed with I don't know what. It's like there is this chaotic situation going on in my brains but I have no fucking idea what is making me so stressed up. I used to know what I want to do in the future and I could actually imagine what my future would be like but now everything is so blurred. I don’t even have a fucking idea what the fuck I am doing anymore.

I just hope that my brain will just sort itself out and not give me a fucking headache every now and then coz it's fucking irritating.

Fuck this world.

Date: Monday, October 19, 2009
Time: 2:10 pm

"Nobody, needs anybody, to live."